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    an еducational concert for students


    event takes place

    an еducational concert for students puppet theatre Rousse

    25 November 2018

    25 Nov 12:15 puppet theatre Rousse

    На 25 ноември (неделя) Държавен куклен театър – Русе има удоволствието да бъде домакин на едно чудесно събитие – образователен концерт и среща с Петър Йорданов-Бъни. Той ще запознае децата с малко известни и дори екзотични инструменти с чуден звук и уникален външен вид. Неусетно, с изключителен подход, нашият гост Петър Йорданов-Бъни ще привлече вниманието на децата и ще споделят заедно време, изпълнено с много любов към музиката. Благодарение на тази инициатива на Бъни Вашите деца ще имат едно незабравимо преживяване и ще могат да научат нови и интересни неща в прекрасна атмосфера. Заповядайте!
    ❗️Начало – 14 ч.
    👉🏻Продължителност – около 50 минути.
    ❗️Вход свободен – за родители и деца.
    🥁🎸🎼 И още за Петър Йорданов-Бъни: музикант, мулти инструменталист – свири на хенг дръм/хандпан, кахон, луупър, джембе, бас, калимба, перкусии.
    Участва в много различни музикални проекти и концерти. Водещ на перкусионни workshops. Организатор на концерти и фестивали (София Фюжън фестивал и др.). Един от основателите на група Оратница. С нея е изнасял концерти на множество големи световни мусикални фестивали в Европа, Скандинавия, САЩ, Русия и далечният изток. Използва перуанският перкусионен инструмент Кахон, модифициран по специален за него начин, също и африканска калимба, бас китара, тъпан, джембе, овал, loop station. Това са част от инструментите с които сме го слушали по клубове, музикални фестивали или онлайн – https://www.facebook.com/BunyVerse/
    А от скоро и на сцената на Народен театър „Иван Вазов“ – спектакъла „Калигула“, както и театъра на Армията представлението „Саломе“. Където свири на живо, композира и записва голяма част от музиката.
    От 2017г. Петър Йорданов-Бъни учи бас китара в поп и джаз отдела на национална музикална академия „“проф. Панчо Владигеров“.


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    Na 25 noemvri (nedelya) Dŭrzhaven kuklen teatŭr – Ruse ima udovolstvieto da bŭde domakin na edno chudesno sŭbitie – obrazovatelen kontsert i sreshta s Petŭr Ĭordanov-Bŭni. Toĭ shte zapoznae detsata s malko izvestni i dori ekzotichni instrumenti s chuden zvuk i unikalen vŭnshen vid. Neusetno, s izklyuchitelen podkhod, nashiyat gost Petŭr Ĭordanov-Bŭni shte privleche vnimanieto na detsata i shte spodelyat zaedno vreme, izpŭlneno s mnogo lyubov kŭm muzikata. Blagodarenie na tazi initsiativa na Bŭni Vashite detsa shte imat edno nezabravimo prezhivyavane i shte mogat da nauchat novi i interesni neshta v prekrasna atmosfera. Zapovyadaĭte!
    Nachalo – 14 ch.
    Prodŭlzhitelnost – okolo 50 minuti.
    Vkhod svoboden – za roditeli i detsa.
    I oshte za Petŭr Ĭordanov-Bŭni: muzikant, multi instrumentalist – sviri na kheng drŭm/khandpan, kakhon, luupŭr, dzhembe, bas, kalimba, perkusii.
    Uchastva v mnogo razlichni muzikalni proekti i kontserti. Vodesht na perkusionni workshops. Organizator na kontserti i festivali (Sofiya Fyuzhŭn festival i dr.). Edin ot osnovatelite na grupa Oratnitsa. S neya e iznasyal kontserti na mnozhestvo golemi svetovni musikalni festivali v Evropa, Skandinaviya, SASHT, Rusiya i dalechniyat iztok. Izpolzva peruanskiyat perkusionen instrument Kakhon, modifitsiran po spetsialen za nego nachin, sŭshto i afrikanska kalimba, bas kitara, tŭpan, dzhembe, oval, loop station. Tova sa chast ot instrumentite s koito sme go slushali po klubove, muzikalni festivali ili onlaĭn – https://www.facebook.com/BunyVerse/
    A ot skoro i na stsenata na Naroden teatŭr „Ivan Vazov“ – spektakŭla „Kaligula“, kakto i teatŭra na Armiyata predstavlenieto „Salome“. Kŭdeto sviri na zhivo, kompozira i zapisva golyama chast ot muzikata.
    Ot 2017g. Petŭr Ĭordanov-Bŭni uchi bas kitara v pop i dzhaz otdela na natsionalna muzikalna akademiya „“prof. Pancho Vladigerov“.
    On the 25th of November (Sunday) State Puppet Theater – Ruse is pleased to host a wonderful event – an educational concert and a meeting with Petar Yordanov-Buny. He will familiarize children with little-known and even exotic instruments with marvelous sound and unique looks. Unexpectedly, with an extraordinary approach, our guest Petar Yordanov-Bunny will attract the attention of the children and will share together a time filled with much love for the music. Thanks to this Bunny initiative your children will have an unforgettable experience and will be able to learn new and interesting things in a wonderful atmosphere. Come in!
    Home – 14 hours
    Duration – about 50 minutes.
    Free entry – for parents and children.
    And more about Peter Jordanov-Bunny: a musician, a multiplayer – plays a heng drum / handa, kaon, looper, jamb, bass, calimba, percussion.
    He has participated in many different music projects and concerts. Leading percussion workshops. Organizer of concerts and festivals (Sofia Fusion Festival, etc.). He was one of the founders of the band. She has performed concerts at many major world music festivals in Europe, Scandinavia, USA, Russia and the Far East. He uses the Peruvian percussion instrument Kahn, modified in a way special for him, also African Calimba, bass guitar, drum, djembe, oval, loop station. These are some of the tools we’ve listened to in clubs, music festivals, or online – https://www.facebook.com/BunyVerse/
    And from the very beginning and on the stage of Ivan Vazov National Theater – the show “Caligula”, as well as the Army Theater Salome performance. Where he plays live, he composes and records much of the music.
    From 2017. Petar Yordanov-Buny studied bass guitar at the pop and jazz department of the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov “.
    On the 25th of November (Sunday) State Puppet Theater – Ruse is pleased to host a wonderful event – an educational concert and a meeting with Petar Yordanov-Buny. He will familiarize children with little-known and even exotic instruments with marvelous sound and unique looks. Unexpectedly, with an extraordinary approach, our guest Petar Yordanov-Bunny will attract the attention of the children and will share together a time filled with much love for the music. Thanks to this Bunny initiative your children will have an unforgettable experience and will be able to learn new and interesting things in a wonderful atmosphere. Come in!
    Home – 14 hours
    Duration – about 50 minutes.
    Free entry – for parents and children.
    And more about Peter Jordanov-Bunny: a musician, a multiplayer – plays a heng drum / handa, kaon, looper, jamb, bass, calimba, percussion.
    He has participated in many different music projects and concerts. Leading percussion workshops. Organizer of concerts and festivals (Sofia Fusion Festival, etc.). He was one of the founders of the band. She has performed concerts at many major world music festivals in Europe, Scandinavia, USA, Russia and the Far East. He uses the Peruvian percussion instrument Kahn, modified in a way special for him, also African Calimba, bass guitar, drum, djembe, oval, loop station. These are some of the tools we’ve listened to in clubs, music festivals, or online – https://www.facebook.com/BunyVerse/
    And from the very beginning and on the stage of Ivan Vazov National Theater – the show “Caligula”, as well as the Army Theater Salome performance. Where he plays live, he composes and records much of the music.
    From 2017. Petar Yordanov-Buny studied bass guitar at the pop and jazz department of the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov “.